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WIAN was founded in 2017, to address the inequality women, young people and minorities face building their international careers. As an organisation founded by black women in the international affairs industry, breaking down barriers to entry, promotion and support was, and still is at the heart of all that we do. 90% of our team is from an ethnic minority background, and each year our annual mentorship scheme, which you can find out more here, sees over 100 young women from across Africa, Asia, Australasia and Europe receive personal and professional support as they begin their international careers, in whichever sector this may be.
We unequivocally and unashamedly stand in solidarity with all of those who are protesting and fighting against racial inequality and systemic racism in all of its forms. There is still much work to be done in the industry to address the historic and long-lasting impacts of racism, and we hope to see the conversation continue, and be followed with meaningful action.

Continue on for more educational resources, and keep an eye out for announcements on how to get involved with us. Please note this page is continually updated, and the resources are for information purposes only, and should not be taken as expert or legal advice.

anti-racism equality & inclusion.


Race, Racism and Development

Written by Kalpana Wilson, this book tackles the relationship between the global north and south, and highlights the racialisation of development issues such as human rights, ethnic conflict, public health, history and culture.



Why Race Matters in International Relations

Opinion piece by Kelebogile Zvobgo and Meredith Loken on how western dominance and white privilege have gripped mainstream international relations theory.


White optimism and the erasures of racism in global development


Focusing on the silencing and erasures of matters of racism in the field of education and international development, and drawing on political theories of 'white ignorance', Dr Arathi Sriprakash from the University of Cambridge considers the extent to which the development industry uses 'white optimism' to keep systems of racial domination in place.



We need to talk about racism in the aid sector

In this opinion piece, Tindyebwa Agaba shines a light on the casual racism, implicit bias and discrimination humanitarian works face in the aid sector.


Good Ancestor

An interview series with change-makers & culture-shapers exploring what it means to be a good ancestor. Hosted by speaker, anti-racism educator, and New York Times bestselling author of Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad.



Racial Identity

18 year old Joanne Nchimbi, a student at the American School of Brasilia, in a breath-taking talk, lays down in complete sincerity her experience understanding and manoeuvring around the idea of racial identity.


Is the International System Racist?

In this essay, Katie Lockwood, demonstrates the ways in which the international system is racist, first tackling racism as a social construct forged by power, and how it manifests in the global economy, the international use of force, and supposed ‘humanitarian’ norms.


End volunteerism and the white saviour industrial complex

Feminist writer Rosebell Kagumire spotlights the dangers of racialised power, white supremacy and patriarchal capitalism in the African context, and argues that while it may look different, the Black Lives Matter movement and anti-racism protests are an African struggle, too.


How to be Anti-Racist in Aid

The recent killing of George Floyd and subsequent #BlackLivesMatter protests in the US and globally have reinvigorated discussions about anti-Black racism in all parts of society. The global development and humanitarian aid sector has its own share of issues on racism that remains to be addressed.



Equity in the international development sector - we need more intravists

Intravism involves internal efforts to change organizational structures. As a Nigerian-American woman climbing the ladder, Blessing Omakwu highlights where the sector needs to do more, and the wide ranging actors that will need to be involved to bring about lasting change.

Handout / Getty Images


About Race

From the author behind the bestselling book, "Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race", comes a podcast that takes conversation a step further. Featuring key voices from the last few decades of anti-racist activism, About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge looks at the recent history that led to the politics of today.

Anti-Racism, Equality & Inclusion | WIAN

Baz Ratner / Reuters


Why Kenyans Are Protesting Police Brutality at Home and Abroad

Political analyst and writer Nanjala Nyabola speaks on how the Black Lives Matter movement manifests on the African continent, and how the legacy of colonial violence is all too familiar in Kenya.


Perspectives on Development Sector Microagressions

Bethel Tsegaye is a human rights advocate with over ten years of experience working in the development sector. She shines a light on experiences facing racism, gender discrimination and sexual harassment, and how the sector can do better.



50 Actions Your Organisation can Take After Posing About BLM

Actionable steps, processes and strategies organisations across sectors can implement. These steps were curated by Vanessa Douyon, a talent and strategy professional with 12+ years experience building talent systems.


Race and Racism in International Relations

Focusing on the theoretical and political legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois’s concept of the "colour line", this text exposes and critically re-articulates the central importance of race and racism in International Relations, and is essential reading for those interested in Postcolonial studies, race/racism in world politics and international relations theory.



Black workers face two of the most lethal preexisting conditions for coronavirus—racism and economic inequality


Why African Nations Support U.S. Anti-Racism Protesters

Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Jendayi E. Frazer speaks on the U.S. protests following the police killing of George Floyd, and how this has spurred solidarity among many Africans, who have expressed widespread outrage against police brutality.


Fredrik Lerneryd / Getty Images



Racial discrimination and the global economic downturn

Racial discrimination in the world of work is on the increase in the aftermath of the global economic downturn, posing tough questions about policies that have been pursued over the past decade. Gary Humphreys reports.


How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them

Our biases can be dangerous, even deadly — as we've seen in the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner, in Staten Island, New York. Diversity advocate Verna Myers looks closely at some of the subconscious attitudes we hold toward out-groups. She makes a plea to all people: Acknowledge your biases. Then move toward, not away from, the groups that make you uncomfortable. In a funny, impassioned, important talk, she shows us how.



Talking About Race

Talking about race, although hard, is necessary. The Smithsonian and the National Museum of African American History & Culture  have created interactive tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation.


Enough with the slogans and statements – it’s time for Europe and its institutions to uproot racism at all levels


Critical reflections from Kékéli Kpognon, senior human rights programme officer at the Quaker Council for European Affairs, on how to tackle historical and structural racism in Europe.


Sovereign to Serf / Roger Sayles


The Impact of White Supremacy on US Foreign Policy towards Africa

This essay explores the intersection of race and class in domestic American politics and how that impacts decisions made by holders of power, i.e. donors and funding international aid work in Africa. Christopher Keith Johnson argues that America’s failure to confront its racial history, specifically white supremacy, will prevent it from making the most appropriate decisions about aid or policy relating to the continent.


Hidden in plain sight: racism in international relations theory

This article by political scientist Errol Henderson, addresses the centrality of racism in international relations (IR) theory; specifically, in realism and liberalism, two of the most prominent paradigms of IR. It examines the extent to which these major paradigms of world politics are oriented by racist—primarily, white supremacist—precepts.


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Civil Rights Movement

The civil rights movement in the United States was a decades-long struggle by African Americans to end legalised racial inequality, and was led by famous names such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, the Little Rock Nine, the Black Panthers and others. Learn more about the long-lasting history with

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